As DMSE REFS, we provide a confidential peer support, and are here to help you brainstorm what to do next in the issue you may be facing. This involves knowing the various resources around campus and redirect you to the people that can help you the most. Here is a flowchart made by iREFS and BE Refs which summarize the various resources around campus. A short description of the relevant resources and a link to their websie is also provided below.
iREFS is a group of graduate students trained in conflict management who support students across all the institute regardless of their department. As your department REFS, they are confidential and they are a good resource if you wish to speak with a peer outside your department.
OGE is the main resource for a broad range of activities or issues related to the graduate student life. They can answer questions related to finances, fellowships, professional development, resources for families, and events for the graduate community. They support students who need to leave MIT for prolongated periods of time, in order to figure out how to handle classes and communication with the advisor while being away, and prepare to come back to campus.
MIT Mental Health and Counseling
Medical professionals who work with students to identify, understand, and solve problems, and to help transform that understanding into positive action. Student Mental Health and Counseling services are included in your Institute fees, so there is no copay and your health insurance will not be billed. They are also a confidential resource.
Violence Prevention and Response
VPR is the primary on-campus resource for preventing and responding to interpersonal violence including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. They provide a 24-hour confidential support to victims in order to figure out which actions to take immediately and also after the facts.
Title IX Bias and Response Office
Centralized office to receive more information about support and reporting options for incidents related to gender, such as sexual harassment and sexual assault, and for bias incidents related to race, religion, sexual orientation, ability, or other identity. No action will be taken unless you choose to do so.
The Ombuds Office is an independent, confidential, neutral and informal resource for all members of MIT communities(students, but also employees, etc). They can help constructively address concerns or conflicts, identify MIT sources, and explore options for resolution without requiring a formal reporting outcome. The Ombuds are very aware of the various administrative aspects at the scale of the institute and can be a very good resource in figuring out the impact of one's decision in the framework of their curriculum at MIT.